TBT to the days when our first raised garden beds looked this organized. Before we learned that just because a spot in the yard is sunny in April doesn’t mean it’ll still be sunny there in December. Before we learned that just because you build a fence to keep the dog out, you’ve still rang the dinner bell for field mice and river rats to come eat your harvest. Before we learned that even though crops look good in well-organized rows doesn’t mean plants prefer to grow that way. The point is, gardening is hard. Farming is even harder. We’ve lost entire crops to disease, insects, rodents, storms, floods, droughts. But we’ve learned from every tragedy. Every mistake. Every good intention turned horribly wrong. We’ve adjusted what we grow in this raised bed. We’ve learned the sun patterns over the months. We’ve learned that we can not master our land, but we can coexist with it by understanding what it is best suited to grow. Never give up. Change. Adapt. Evolve